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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Revolutionary War Gun Factory Historical Marker in Hummelstown

When we travel around the United States we're always looking for historical markers that we can photograph. Often times those markers contain just enough information to "wet your whistle", but to fully understand their historical need to get online and do some research or head to the local library.

On a recent day trip down to Hummelstown in Pennsylvania, we spotted a historical marker along West Main Street that we haven't seen before. From our research online, it was erected in 2012 by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Here's the information on it.
Revolutionary War Gun Factory Historical Marker in Hummelstown

Revolutionary War Gun Factory

During the British occupation of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’s provisional government moved west and its official gun factory was established at Hummelstown. Secretly operating near here from 1777 to 1779, it mass-produced muskets and rifles for the Continental Army.

If you're trying to find it, put 226 West Main Street Hummelstown into your GPS. You can pull off the road or go down one of the nearby side streets to get out and look at it. Like I said, we've been through Hummelstown quite a bit and we never noticed this one before!

Once we got home, we looked up some information about it and the Revolutionary War Gun Factory that it refers to. Fascinating, since we live in the area and have never heard of that factory before. Of course,  the factory is no longer there, but I'm sure glad that the historical marker is there, so that other's can learn about it.

We love photographing historical markers, so we've added a section here on our blog and over on our Pinterest Board to catalog the ones that we've personally seen. You're welcome to check them out and make sure you follow our Pinterest Board if you're a historical marker fan too!

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